Eileen Martin, Martin Glass Creations, 155 Gibbs St. Studio #300 (in Visarts), Rockville, MD 20850. 301.704.4613
opened my studio in 1997 after spending 24 years with a variety of
contractors and government entities. I had always been fascinated with
glass, and when my career stopped satisfying me I decided to take some
stained glass classes. I found that I was quite good at it, and when I left my job I opened my studio and took on commissions. A
few thousand panels (literally) later, I have expanded my repertoire
beyond lead and copper foil stained glass fabrication and glass
painting, to fused and kiln-formed glass, laminating and sand-blasting.
I also work with a variety of other media
including ceramics, metal, stone and wood in my sculptural pieces.
My first studio was in a barn; my next studio was a studio/art gallery, providing a different source of income and headaches. All of the pieces in my gallery, whether they were one of a kind or production pieces, were all made by my hands. It
was a successful endeavor – I was able to create the kind of work that
I enjoyed doing, people would buy that art, and I was able to teach. And although this was a satisfying experience, I wanted to try working with other artists in a collaborative setting.
Temperature determines texture